Environmental ethics learning for children
Leave No Trace is the national environmental ethics primary schools program that inspires positive behavioural change with a difference! In its simplest form, Leave No Trace is about helping children to make good decisions to protect their world. The experiential education program aims to highlight the amount of natural resources children use in their daily lives. Through education, action and entrepreneurship, it empowers young children to restore and conserve their local natural spaces while taking action. You can read more about the curriculum here:
There are 169 primary schools in County Mayo Find your old school here and deliver the program there (your support will be acknowledged in the school!
There are 27 secondary schools in the county Find your old school here and deliver the program there (your support will be acknowledged in the school!
Leave No Trace wants to bring its unique training program to every school in the county and is reaching out to past pupils across the United States and beyond to assist in funding a module for their own school. This is a unique opportunity to do something special for your school and for only $250 (which is tax deductible in the US).
Outdoor fun workshops are designed to teach children and teachers the value of the natural environment, to understand the impact of their activities, and to enable them to make decisions to minimize that impact, while still enjoying their activities.