Project name
Castlebar Mitchels GAA club


Castlebar Mitchels is a community-based volunteer organization promoting Gaelic games, Irish language, and culture. The club’s vision is to be one of the top GAA clubs in the country, with a strong sense of local community identity, an inclusive family club, where all players enjoy playing and are coached to the highest standards and where members feel welcome, valued, and encouraged to show long term loyalty to a club.

Funds will be used to construct a 4G astro turf pitch which will allow the club to train on an all-year round basis, to promote participation, encourage sporting achievement, and improve the standard of our players.

Currently, our pitches are weather dependent and are not playable for part of the year. The training area will be 60m x 86m with a 5 meter high precast concrete ball and hurling wall and a 5 meter high green palladine mesh fence. This facility will be made available to over 700 club members, schools, other clubs, and communities across the Castlebar area.

Watch more about the Castlebar Mitchels GAA Community

We are reaching for support to initially fund the five meter high fence and hurling wall which will cost $58,637